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The book you all have been asking for is finally here!


Through the bond she shares with Our Blessed Mother, the Virgin of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Vivian Mestey has been touching the souls of thousands since 2011. Vivian began her Healing Ministry simply as a faithful servant, unaware of the lives that she would help change. Vivian has been extremely faithful to her calling. Within the pages of this book you will find countless stories of ordinary people— perhaps just like yourself—changing their lives profoundly by doing one simple thing: believing in our Lord Jesus Christ and his Blessed Mother.

Desde 2011, Vivian Mestey ha estado impactando las vidas de miles de personas a través de su conexión con nuestra santísima madre, la Virgen de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Comenzó su Ministerio de Sanación como una humilde sierva, sin ser consciente de las vidas que ayudaría a cambiar. Vivian ha seguido su llamado con gran obediencia. En este libro encontrará incontables historias de personas corrientes, como usted, que cambiaron sus vidas haciendo una sola cosa: creer en nuestro Señor Jesucristo y en su santísima madre.

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